Coining In Futures Recovery Healthcare

Coining In

In contrast to the traditional graduation ceremony known as “coining out,” our coining in ceremony serves as a welcoming to the Futures’ family, and an invitation to engage in all that a life in recovery has to offer. Instead of just walking out the door, Core, Orenda, and Rise patients become members of a strong alumni and continued care program.

The Futures’ approach is summed up with the acronym COIN. The “C” stands for courage. Courage involves walking through something that frightens you. It means facing life honestly and openly without the misuse of substances, even when things get tough.

The “O” stands for open arms. Our empathetic staff is eager to assist in the healing process that has seen the restoration of healthy lives to so many of our alumni. As patients embrace recovery, we are ready to help heal the wounds of the past, and we are committed to offering insight into a path to a brighter future.

The “I” stands for investment. The decision to enter treatment is certainly life-changing in the life of individuals suffering from substance use disorder. Futures patients invest in changing their lives, and Futures invests in them during their treatment and long after their discharge. Alumni services serves as the bridge from clinical treatment to ongoing recovery. As part of coining in, our patients become familiar with various lifelong recovery opportunities available to alumni.

The “N” stands for new life. Many people in recovery feel they have received a second chance. The coin serves as a symbolic reminder of what was before, what they have now, and the hope that accompanies a new beginning in recovery.


Mental Health patients at Futures also participate in a “Coining In” ceremony. Medallions are presented to our patients during the “coining in” process. The medallions have an antique brash finish, circumference of 5.5”, and incorporate the gold and blue Futures’ logo colors. Within the supportive brass, blue, and gold encompassed circle lives a cutout of the Futures tree emblem, depicted on both the front and back of the medallion. The tree, in all its brilliant resolution and detail stands alone, unaccompanied by any words or suggestion to its origin, purpose, and meaning.

Unlike many recovery related medallions that instantly tell a deeply personal story, the Futures coin does not tip its hand.  The anonymity conveyed by the medallion itself invites curiosity and interest, while respecting the coin’s recipient and his or her own recovery journey. The multipurpose coin can be carried or displayed anywhere, as both an individual reminder of what was, what is, and what’s to come; and it serves as a conversation starter if and when the medallion’s owner is ready. Weekly, the medallions are presented in small groups to new patients.

The coining in ceremony itself is unique for a variety of reasons and serves as a tone­ setter for the continuation of treatment and the ongoing recovery to come.  At Futures, we believe residential treatment is but the beginning of a patient’s recovery journey.  This philosophy stands in contrast to the traditional graduation or “coining out” that is utilized at many treatment centers.  Our “coining in” ceremony serves as a welcoming to the Futures family and an invitation to engage in all that a life in recovery has to offer. The process of “coining in” at Futures serves a few purposes that might best be summed up with the acronym COIN.

The “C” stands for courage. The very definition of courage is doing something that frightens. The period following entry into treatment can usher in the seemingly most uncertain of times for individuals in early recovery. Gone are the familiar coping mechanisms and surroundings. Thoughts of, “Did I make the right decision coming to treatment?” or “Can I do this?” are common. At Futures, we recognize the strength it takes to make the decision to ask for help, and we are here to support you for the duration of your recovery.

The “O” stands for open arms. The days, weeks, and months prior to treatment are often the darkest and most trying of times for those who seek help at Futures. With this realization, our empathetic staff is ready and eager to assist in the healing process that has seen the restoration of life in so many of our alumni. We are here to help facilitate the healing of the past and are committed to offering insight and practical application for a brighter future.

The “I” stands for investment.  The decision to enter treatment and willingness to engage in recovery serves as arguably the biggest investment of one’s life.  As our patients invest in changing their lives, we invest in them during residential treatment and long after. Continued patient care, through alumni services serves as the bridge from clinical care to everyday, ongoing recovery. During coining in, patients are oriented to the various lifelong recovery opportunities afforded our alumni. Regular communication, national alumni meetings, and monthly sober outings are but a few of the support services offered. Futures’ investment provides our alumni an avenue to a safe, supportive, and enjoyable recovery.

The “N” stands for new life. Many newly recovering individuals feel a sense of being given a second chance. Often, old dreams awaken and new ideas take shape, sending our alumni on paths not possible prior to treatment. We stand committed to support our alumni however we can. The newly bestowed coins serve as a symbolic reminder of what was before, what is now, and the hope that accompanies a new life in recovery. The story behind each individual Futures coin is sure to be highly personal and awe inspiring.

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