Futures Recovery Healthcare’s Core program specializes in treating adult women and men for substance use disorder, addiction, and co-occurring mental health conditions.
Futures is a system of addiction treatment and wellness programming that includes inpatient detoxification and residential treatment with specialized treatment tracks, and outpatient services. This range of services allows Futures to treat patients along the spectrum of substance misuse and addiction severity, and addiction’s most common and complex co-occurring mental health conditions.
The program’s clinical focus, programming intensity, milieu, and activities are geared toward adult professionals or more mature younger adults. Treating mature adults only offers real-world advantages for patients and caregivers. Treatment and programming that is more tailored to specific patient-populations can result in better patient outcomes.
Age-specific programming enhances treatment effectiveness and patient experience. Clinical programming can be tailored to address familial, spousal, parental, and career stressors more common among generations. Group therapy sessions, a mainstay of evidence-based treatment at Futures, tend to be more productive when participants are of similar age-range and life experience. The many activities, fitness offerings, nutritional focus, and wellness amenities offered at the Futures’ residential treatment program are tailored to the adult population.
Futures’ Orenda program was designed for individuals inextricably linked to a public persona, committed to high-demand occupations, and unable to remove themselves from the stressors and situations that trigger and perpetuate addiction and dysfunction. Concierge-level service, and programmatic flexibility provide patients with the most intensive and personalized care available. Learn more about Orenda.
Futures’ Mental Health program provides a coordinated program of individual and group therapy, psychiatry and medication management, and holistic health services to address specific mental health conditions such as: anxiety, depression, and mood disorders. Learn more about Futures’ Mental Health Program
Also, Futures’ RISE program is an adventure-based experiential therapy program coordinating holistic clinical programming, outdoor adventures, group activities, fitness, and specialized curriculum. Well-suited to people who have not been helped by traditional therapy approaches, and those who gravitate toward an active daily schedule, adventures, and teamwork. Learn more about RISE.
Futures’ admissions representatives are experts at determining if Futures is a good fit, and referring people to other high-quality care providers if a different program would better serve their needs.