Our blog provides insightful content on addiction, mental health, and family support, offering a range of perspectives on relevant topics. From in-depth discussions on the latest research and treatment approaches to practical advice for individuals in recovery and their loved ones, Futures blog is a valuable resource. Whether navigating your journey or supporting someone through theirs, you’ll find helpful information here to promote mental and physical well-being.
Inpatient luxury rehab centers are more in demand today than ever before. With 14.1 million American adults with an alcohol use disorder (AUD) and another 10% of all adults in…
While many people consider “adventure therapy” a newer trend or the latest fad, its origins extend back to humanity’s early beginnings. In fact, many cultures have, and still do, use…
COVID-19 has gone from being nonexistent to becoming part of many conversations most days of the week. As we near the one year mark of the first COVID-19 cases, reported…
Bipolar disorder, previously known as manic depression, involves a condition that occurs in the brain causing a person to have extreme moods and behaviors. For some people, the condition can…
Sobriety today can be a challenge. Not only do those struggling with addiction need to find the will to get help and stop, but they also need the tools and…
The parent of any teen knows that most of the time you can find them on some type of electronic device from cell phones to laptops and anything in between.…
Alcohol, in one form or another, has been around for thousands of years. Many who have consumed alcohol over the years have at one time or another had ‘too much…
Society and pop culture have long portrayed the winter holidays as a celebratory time. And, for many people it is. It’s a time of family gatherings, sharing meals with friends,…
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Futures embraces the complexity of addiction, co-occurring mental health, and primary mental health conditions to empower recovery and improve outcomes through evidence-based practice, coordinated care, and mission-driven culture.
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