Our blog provides insightful content on addiction, mental health, and family support, offering a range of perspectives on relevant topics. From in-depth discussions on the latest research and treatment approaches to practical advice for individuals in recovery and their loved ones, Futures blog is a valuable resource. Whether navigating your journey or supporting someone through theirs, you’ll find helpful information here to promote mental and physical well-being.
Suboxone is listed as a Schedule III drug by the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), which means that while it does have medicinal value, there is also a chance for misuse…
One of the benefits of utilizing Suboxone as a medication-assisted treatment after opiate addiction is to more smoothly – and more quickly – transition into recovery and enjoy the benefits…
Crack cocaine is a type of cocaine that’s processed into a rock-like substance by mixing powdered cocaine with ammonia and water, or baking soda and water, and boiling the solution.…
Like any addictive substance, crack cocaine builds increasing levels of tolerance, quickly. Crack cocaine is a type of cocaine that’s been dissolved in an ammonia-water or baking soda-water solution, and…
Crack cocaine is a form of cocaine, which comes from the coca plant and is fast acting and potent. The DEA classifies crack cocaine as a stimulant drug, meaning that…
MDMA or Ecstasy, is a synthetic, psychoactive drug with amphetamine-like and hallucinogenic properties. Ecstasy is often thought of as a “recreational drug” but there are many real dangers associated with…
Ecstasy is a hallucinogenic and stimulant drug that’s manufactured to elicit a number of pleasant feelings, such as relaxation, euphoria, and empathy. The drug comes in the form of brightly…
Ecstasy, or MDMA, is an ongoing problem in the United States. A synthetic substance that varies in chemical composition from batch to batch, it often causes medical emergencies and even…
Ecstasy is a designer drug, also known as a “club drug,” that is manufactured in illicit laboratories in many parts of the world. Originally, ecstasy was just the chemical MDMA;…
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Futures embraces the complexity of addiction, co-occurring mental health, and primary mental health conditions to empower recovery and improve outcomes through evidence-based practice, coordinated care, and mission-driven culture.
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