Morphine Addiction & Risks
Morphine is an opiate used to relieve severe pain, after medical procedures, and those suffering from cancer-related pain. Morphine has the potential to be highly addictive as tolerance to it develops very quickly.
The Dangers of Morphine Use
One of the big risks of morphine misuse is that tolerance to the drug develops quickly. As higher and higher doses are regularly taken, the chances of a deadly overdose increase.
The Dangers of Stopping Morphine Use Alone & Quickly
When people struggling with morphine addiction stop taking morphine, they experience severe and sometimes even fatal withdrawal symptoms, so withdrawal should only happen in a controlled environment where medical help is present. Most know the painful withdrawal symptoms and will do just about anything to secure enough of the drug to avoid withdrawal. Some of the symptoms associated with morphine withdrawal include:
- Stroke
- Heart attack
- Excessive sweating
- Chills
- Shaking
- Severe bodily aches and pains
Preventing Morphine Addiction
Morphine addiction usually begins after a long hospital stay where morphine was administered regularly, or after a person has been prescribed morphine for a legitimate purpose. In these cases, it is important for patients to be honest about any past addiction problems or risk factors for addiction and, if necessary, to choose morphine alternatives. It is also important that the person prescribed the morphine uses it according to their doctor’s specifications, especially as it relates to the dosage. Morphine is sometimes, but not often, sold illegally as a recreational drug; those not prescribed morphine for pain relief should avoid the drug at all costs.
Get Help Today
Overcoming morphine addiction should not be done without professional help. If you or someone you love is misusing morphine, don’t delay in getting the help necessary to begin the healing process. Contact us today to find out more about our intensive, evidence-based treatment programs and help your loved one begin their personal road to recovery.