Adderall Addiction Treatment
Adderall is a very popular medication that is prescribed for treating attention deficit hyper disorder (ADHD) and narcolepsy. Its effectiveness comes from the way it changes the balance of chemicals in the brain. However, this also means that people can misuse Adderall both unintentionally, because they want greater relief for their conditions, and intentionally, because they enjoy the side effects of Adderall. Adderall abuse is a real problem with real consequences, but treatment and therapy can make the difference between health and addiction.
How Adderall Works
Adderall is the brand name of the combination of two stimulant drugs, amphetamine and dextroamphetamine. It is a central nervous stimulant that works by making the brain produce dopamine, a chemical that is naturally released when a person does something they find enjoyable. If you do something exciting – anything from watching an action movie to having a good meal – the feelings of pleasure and satisfaction you get are from your brain releasing dopamine, making a mental connection between whatever you’re doing and the satisfaction you feel. The dopamine is gradually absorbed back into the brain, so you move on with your life, but your brain makes a mental note that it enjoyed the experience. Therefore, the next time the opportunity presents itself, you remember how you felt when you last tried it, and you feel compelled to do it again.
Patients who suffer from narcolepsy benefit from Adderall because it stimulates their nervous system, meaning that they have fewer episodes of excessive daytime sleepiness. When it comes to ADHD, Adderall helps patients feel focused and calm by increasing the flow of key neurotransmitters (like dopamine) in the brain. The result is that a patient’s concentration and focus are heightened. The key is that Adderall must be prescribed at the correct dosage in order for this calming effect to take place. If, for example, a patient receives a prescription for a dosage level that is too low, he or she may feel increasingly distracted and unproductive as the effects of the Adderall wears off. If the patient chooses to take another dose of Adderall too soon, the stimulation returns, but at the cost of the patient developing an unhealthy chemical and behavioral dependence on the Adderall.
How Adderall’s Abused Without a Prescription
Adderall’s effectiveness in treating narcolepsy and ADHD has seen an increase in non-prescription use. This includes people who obtain Adderall from friends and family members for boosting their academic performance, or people who use Adderall as a way to get high. Since Adderall doesn’t carry the same health risks as substances like heroin or cocaine, many people falsely believe that “Adderall is definitely not a drug” and can’t be abused.
The sheer scope of misunderstanding of the potential for abusing Adderall masks the danger. In just five years, from 2005 to 2010, emergency room visits for ADHD stimulant medications being used for non-medical reasons went up from 5,212 to 15,585, according to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. Almost half of these visits occurred because patients made the mistake of mixing ADHD stimulants with alcohol. In fact, many college students who use Adderall for non-medical purposes confessed to binge drinking and combining the Adderall with their alcohol. In fact, in 2012, the Journal of American College Health published a study that showed that the vast majority of college students who use Adderall for non-medical reasons got it from friends who already had prescriptions.
Risk Factors
The way that Adderall triggers the release of dopamine in the brain is very similar to the way that harmful drugs and alcohol work. In those cases, they forcibly make the brain pump out unnatural levels of dopamine, creating unhealthily strong reactions and hooking the user on the power of the sensations. With Adderall, the addictiveness comes from the intended result of the drug – it’s supposed to make patients feel alert, productive, and energetic. Such results are attractive to narcoleptics, who have to deal with being constantly dazed and fatigued, and to ADHD patients, whose bursts of energy leave them frustrated and without focus. In both cases, the temptation and means to abuse Adderall are high. And with a prescription in hand, this becomes very problematic.
Abusing Adderall
Abusing prescription medication is a massive issue. A November 2014 survey by the Partnership for Drug-Free Kids found that one in five college students has abused a prescription medication. It’s such an issue that the problem is “becoming normalized.” Adderall was one of the drugs cited in the study. 45% of respondents abused the medication because they thought its stimulating properties would help them perform better academically, and 31% took stimulants simply to stay awake. Part of the reason for this abuse of Adderall and other stimulants is that many people do not understand how potent these drugs are and how dangerous they can be.
The Ugly Side of Adderall
The truth is that Adderall is most certainly a drug. When it is misused, it can cause a number of undesired effects in a user, including:
- Sleep disorders
- Anxiety
- Headache
- Loss of appetite
- Mood swings
- Sexual dysfunction
Chronic or extreme use of Adderall can cause more serious problems, including:
- Breathing trouble
- Cold sweats
- Rapid heartbeat
- Fever
- Blurred vision
- Hallucinations
If a user realizes they have become hooked on Adderall, quitting is not as easy as not taking Adderall anymore. After constant exposure and bombardment by the amphetamine salts in Adderall, the user’s brain no longer knows how to function without the drug. Suddenly ceasing the intake of the drug can cause withdrawal effects like:
- Depression
- Nausea and vomiting
- Muscle cramps and pain
- Trembling
- Nightmares
- Suicidal thoughts
For this reason, patients should not try and quit taking Adderall on their own. The temptation to relapse will be too great, and the danger of hurting themselves or someone around them should preclude any attempt at self-treatment.
Treating Adderall Abuse
Since every person is different, it is important to the different options available for Adderall addiction treatment.
Residential Inpatient: Residential inpatient treatment incorporates medical supervision, a healthy environment, activities for both groups and individuals, and various forms of therapy. Residential inpatient programs typically last 30, 60, or 90 days, and during treatment clients live at the facility. The goal of all the treatment services is to address the factors that are involved in Adderall use, such as medical, emotional, physical and mental.
Outpatient/Extended Care: Outpatient/extended care happens after completing an inpatient therapy program. The goal of an outpatient program is to help the patient adapt to the everyday struggles of recovery. Outpatient services help patients recovering from Adderall addiction through programs that develop skills, build a supportive network, identify and achieve goals, and address the daily struggles involved in relapse prevention.
Here at Futures of Palm Beach, we want you to be aware of the risks posed by unhealthy Adderall consumption. If you have any questions about using Adderall, or if you’re afraid that a loved one may be taking too much Adderall, please call us today and speak to one of our trained admissions specialists.