Valium Addiction
Valium is a prescription that provides relief of anxiety or muscle pains. It is known for its sedative capabilities, and works by targeting certain unbalanced chemicals in the brain. While Valium is often a safe and effective medication when it is used properly, its risks cannot be underestimated.
Short-Term Valium Misuse Side Effects
Like any prescription drug, Valium has a series of side effects people experience when using it. Here are some of the short-term effects of Valium misuse:
- Anxiety – users often feel on edge or nervous without provocation.
- Irritation – ups and downs will result in mood swings that are hard to control and they might also bring about an increase in aggression or hostility.
- Fever – this may also involve confusion, feeling faint, experiencing hallucinations or strange thoughts, and odd behavior.
- Rapid heart rate – this may also lead to tremors that include uncontrollable movement and speed in all areas of muscle, including the heart.
- Stomach cramps – digestive problems can take place, usually with some form of pain or discomfort in the stomach, or loss of control of bladder functions.
- Depression – the letdown of the decreasing impact on a person’s brain puts them in a depressed state of mind that can be accompanied by thoughts of suicide.
Long-Term Valium Side Effects
Unwarranted and extensive use of Valium has many serious, permanent, and sometimes fatal effects that everyone needs to be aware of. Long-term side effects include:
- Memory loss – this may not just be temporary; prolonged loss of memory is possible when brain waves are constantly damaged or intentionally slowing processes
- Hallucinations – mentioned along with fever in short-term Valium effects, hallucinations are common.
- Difficulty breathing – shortness of breath or an inability to perform natural, automatic, essential body functions is common
- Slowed pulse
- Coma
- Heart attack – blood pressure increases while sending each muscle group into shock mode, numbness, and shutdown, preventing blood from reaching the heart
- Social problems – lengthy misuse may cause isolation, job loss, failing relationships, and monetary setbacks
- Accidents
Valium Withdrawal
Even though Valium withdrawal is not exclusive to people who misuse it and might naturally happen while taking it as prescribed, the symptoms are magnified after long periods of consumption. They are similar to the more serious side effects and include:
- Seizures
- Hallucinations
- Anxiety
- Cessation of or shallow breathing
- Stomach or digestive problems
- Respiratory distress
- Tachycardia
- Increased blood pressure
- Numbness or tingling in limbs
- Personality changes
- Depression
- Vision impairment
- Extreme sweating
- Tremors
- Coma
- Sleeplessness or chronic insomnia
Finding Help for Valium misuse
Recovery is not easy and it requires a qualified medical staff that can oversee the necessary detoxification process before stabilizing the patient, minimizing or actually preventing body damage, and preparing the patient for a successful rehabilitation. Interestingly, a Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) report states that 23.5 million people need treatment for an illicit drug addiction, but unfortunately, just over 2.6 million receive it.
Starting treatment for drug misuse is the most important part of achieving recovery, and oftentimes, someone struggling with has no idea regarding the dangers they live with. People addicted to Valium must rely on people around them or themselves to recognize the following signs and symptoms of addiction:
- Feeling a strong regular need for Valium
- Wanting a supply of Valium that is constant, regardless of whether or not a prescription actually needs to be refilled or is running low
- Unusual or dangerous behavior
- Problems functionally normally without Valium, even when certain activities are eliminated entirely
Here at Futures, we specialize in treating Valium misuse with a comprehensive approach that includes understanding the cause of the addiction, guidance towards healthy decisions, and a complete strategy for continued success. If you or someone you know is struggling with a Valium addiction please contact us today to learn about how we can help you or a loved one start the path to recovery.