Why Addiction is a Family Issue Archives - Futures Recovery Healthcare
Why Addiction is a Family Issue - Futures Recovery Healthcare

Why Addiction is a Family Issue

May 25, 2021 | By: frhdev

Addiction is not a self-contained disease. Even when individuals with a substance abuse disorder (SUD) isolate themselves, thinking they aren’t hurting anyone (perhaps other than themselves), the negative behaviors and consequences still impact those around them. 

Think of what happens when you pour water into a potted plant. The water doesn’t simply stay on the topmost layer of soil. It reaches down into the deeper depths of the pot, extending to the roots, spreading throughout the container. It’s because of this spread of (often negative) outcomes, why addiction is a family issue. No matter how much a person with a SUD thinks his/her behavior doesn’t impact anyone else, the truth is, that it seeps into many areas of life—including the lives of family members. 

You may be wondering how much addiction affects families? One study revealed that 46% of American adults have shared they had a family member or close friend who was addicted to drugs (or had been in the past.) Another study, conducted by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) reported that 1 in 10 children—7.5 million—lived in a household with at least one parent who had an alcohol use disorder (AUD). And, 1 in 35 children—2.1 million—lived with a parent with an illicit drug disorder (within the past year).

Whether someone happens to be the child, parent, sibling, aunt, uncle, grandparent, or another family member of a loved one with a SUD, the physical, emotional, and mental impacts can be far-reaching. If your loved one’s behaviors from substance abuse have made you feel worried, exhausted, angry, sad, and/or exasperated, you are not alone. 

At Futures Recovery Healthcare we help people with addiction and their families, by providing comprehensive treatment options for substance abuse as well as co-occurring disorders (such as anxiety, depression, and more). Our goal is to help both peoples with SUDs and their family members establish life-long steps and strategies for healthy sobriety and family-focused healing. 

Addiction is a family issue, but it’s one that can successfully be addressed, and with positive outcomes. 

How Addiction Impacts Families

Since every family is different, addiction impacts each one differently. There are, however, some common ways that a loved one’s addictive behavior affects the family around them. These can include:

Family members also often have trust issues as a result of being lied to, let down, or treated poorly when their loved one is in active addiction. It’s not uncommon for family members to feel abandoned, anxious, fearful, guilty, concerned, and/or embarrassed of their loved one’s substance abuse.

The financial burden of these legal issues (and others) often falls upon family members—the reason why is listed in our next bullet point. 

Other health conditions that addiction is linked to include cardiovascular disease, stroke, cancer, hepatitis B, lung disease, and mental disorders. When individuals with addiction develop a health condition, it is not uncommon for family members to be tasked with their care. This can include physical and financial caretaking responsibility. And, of course, there are also the emotional impacts family members navigate as the result of their loved ones’ illness. 

Again, it’s important to remember that each family is different. Some families may only experience one aspect of the list above. Others may experience all of them. And, still more families, may go through situations not represented here. What is certain is that addiction is a family issue that, however impactful, does have solutions. Prior to exploring how to help family members with addiction, we will explore how addiction affects families generationally. 

Does Addiction Run in Families?

In addition to addiction being something that affects the family unit in terms of consequences, outcomes, and disruption, research demonstrates that addiction is linked to family history. For example, research has determined that children who have one or more parents with addiction issues are at higher risk for developing a drug addiction. The reason why is complex

Some children who live with active addicts can be more prone to behavioral problems, which in turn, increases the risk of exposure to—and opportunities for trying—substances. And, some children may inherit a genetic predisposition for addiction. DNA studies continue to take place to help better understand the role of genetics and addiction. 

Helping Families Face Addiction (and Heal)

While addiction has and continues to produce turmoil and even devastation in families across the globe, there are many resources to help people with SUDs and their family members. The first step begins with compassion and understanding—for the person with addiction and for yourself. A substance use disorder is a disease, not something that can be logically explained or a failure on part of the individual. Nor is your loved one’s addiction something for which you must navigate alone. 

If your loved one has not responded favorably to your offer to get help, or other family members, you can try to reach out to close friends or a health professional. Your family member may be more receptive to listening to someone they consider more objective. 

Many people who seek in-patient treatment for substance abuse are able to maintain a healthy recovery. A professional residential treatment can provide the safety, structure, and expertise needed to ensure your loved one has the tools and resources needed to promote long-term recovery. 

While your loved one is in treatment, it’s important for you to practice self-care. Many families have found it helpful to seek therapy, attend support groups (such as Al-Anon), and other recovery-oriented resources. You have likely put your life on hold to help your loved one—or at a minimum spent time worrying about them. One of the best things you can do is placing yourself and your life as a priority. 

Most in-patient treatment centers provide opportunities for residents to communicate with family members. If you or a loved one is concerned about whether or not speaking or visiting with family is a good idea, a treatment counselor will help determine the best way to proceed. Often, families find that group-family therapy sessions are helpful. These sessions, led by a licensed therapist offer a safe and structured environment for families to express their feelings and explore avenues of healing—together. 

At Futures, we understand the complexities of addiction and family dynamics. We have helped countless families achieve healthy and lasting recovery and reunification. Our licensed recovery professionals have decades of experience in a variety of recovery-focused treatment approaches—including individual and family therapy. We provide comprehensive steps and strategies to encourage lasting recovery from alcohol and drugs, as well as to improve family systems and relationships. 

Hope is a phone call away. Contact us confidentially online or by phone at 866-804-2098.


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